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  1. OishiiJPN

    2023-2024 Toyota Tundra or Sequoia no reverse lines on screen Navigation

    If you experience a 2023-2024 Toyota Tundra or Sequoia with no reverse lines on the screen like below then you will want to try this... Gts+ go to circumference module utility and register whatever options the vehicle is equipped with on the cameras and stuff. After that, enter diag mode in...
  2. MG

    2018-2021 Toyota Camry Vacuum Pump Failure and Replacement

    Also please consider supporting us if you would like us to be able to help other Toyota Owners. Thanks! **** Toyota has issued a Recall on this concern. Please see this post... If you have a 2018 and up Toyota Camry (Tacoma) then you may experience a Low Braking Power message on the instrument...