
  1. MG

    2014-2019 Toyota Highlander Front Brake Vibration T-SB-0072-18

    Please see T-SB-0072-18 Revision 1 Introduction: Some 2014 – 2018 model year Highlander vehicles may exhibit a vibration from the front brakes during light application of the brake pedal at highway speeds .Follow the Repair Procedure in bulletin T-SB-0072-18 to address this condition. R & R...
  2. Lewis

    2017 Toyota Highlander with Lean Codes on both banks

    If you have a 2017 Toyota Highlander with Lean codes on both banks over 30% LTFT (also with possible EVAP code) then the problem is the EVAP Purge Valve getting intermittently stuck open. We are seeing quite a few of these.