2016-2017 Toyota Tundra Brake Controller Error warning message on Dash Panel C0210 U0129 codes


If you have a Toyota Tundra with the warning message on the instrument cluster that reads "Brake Controller Error if Towing, come to a safe stop with manual controls. Contact Dealer" then you will want to start by check for codes. You may come up with codes C0210 and U0129. If this is the case, then its likely that one of the rear ABS sensor wires is the culprit.



If you have a Toyota Tundra with the warning message on the instrument cluster that reads "Brake Controller Error if Towing, come to a safe stop with manual controls. Contact Dealer" then you will want to start by check for codes. You may come up with codes C0210 and U0129. If this is the case, then its likely that one of the rear ABS sensor wires is the culprit.

I have one doing this exact same thing. I replaced the rear abs harness and the LR speed sensor. Techstream data list shows the LR wheel speed intermediatly dropping 5-10mph while driving. Suggestions?


I’m having this same issue with my 2019. I get trailer brake and pre collision warnings.
Took to dealer they said “everything’s fine” and it must be my parking sensors. I’ve towed 15,000 miles with this rig and no problems.


If you have a Toyota Tundra with the warning message on the instrument cluster that reads "Brake Controller Error if Towing, come to a safe stop with manual controls. Contact Dealer" then you will want to start by check for codes. You may come up with codes C0210 and U0129. If this is the case, then its likely that one of the rear ABS sensor wires is the culprit.



After a lot of head scratching finally discovered my problem. Once hooked to a code reader it said right rear speed sensor, defective. Replaced that. No fix. Then after doing a bunch of re-search on YouTube I found the culprit is worn rear wheel bearings, metal dust builds on the surface and forms a magnetic field that fools the sensor. Unfortunately the only people who have the right tools to replace these sealed bearings is Toyota. I took the truck to them and had the bearings replaced. $2500 later my problem is solved. rather disappointed did not get but 116,000 miles on a set of rear bearings on my Toyota. Spoke to the corporate office and they had no recalls nor any information on that. I hear it’s an ongoing problem.


I have the same brake controller message but no OCD error codes. At least this gives me some ideas

Paul Eten

I have the brake controller warning on 2017 crew max @60000 miles. Dealer checked said controller is bad ordered 7/20/23. Needed to haul camper so I installed “temporary” controller working fine but still have warning on dash. 12 weeks later still have not got new controller from dealer. Is Toyota going to step up and correct this issue?


I have the brake controller warning on 2017 crew max @60000 miles. Dealer checked said controller is bad ordered 7/20/23. Needed to haul camper so I installed “temporary” controller working fine but still have warning on dash. 12 weeks later still have not got new controller from dealer. Is Toyota going to step up and correct this issue?
I believe if you disconnect the battery and then reconnect, the warning will not return.


I got the same message and it turned out to be my right rear wheel bearing. $1600 to replace!