2022-2023 Toyota Tundra and Sequoia Rear Air Suspension Feels Rough Over Bumps T-SB-0070-22 Rev1


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Please see T-SB-0070-22 Rev1


Some 2023 model year Sequoia Hybrid and 2022 – 2023 model year Tundra and Tundra Hybrid vehicles equipped with air suspension may exhibit a rough-ride feel when driving over uneven road conditions such as bumps or dips. Follow the Repair Procedure in this bulletin to address this condition.


Repair Procedure:
1. Confirm the condition exists. Does the vehicle exhibit a rough-ride feel when driving over uneven road conditions such as bumps or dips?
YES — Continue to step 2.
NO — This bulletin does NOT apply. Continue diagnosis using the applicable Repair Manual.

2. Drive the vehicle onto an alignment rack and cycle the vehicle height twice. Refer to TIS, applicable model and model year Repair Manual:

3. Using Techstream, perform a Health Check on the vehicle. From the Health Check results, select Air suspension as shown.


4. Ensure the Techstream display settings are set to metric. Note the initial values displayed by Air Suspension Live for the RR Height Control Sensor and the RL Height Control Sensor.


5. Under the vehicle, measure the distance between each rear bump stop and the top of the rear axle housing, as shown below.


Is the gap less than 35 mm?
YES — Continue to step 6.
NO — This bulletin does NOT apply. Continue diagnosis using the applicable Repair Manual.

6. Adjust the height control sensor for each side.
A. Loosen the height control sensor nut.
B. Move the height control sensor link plate along the slotted hole of the bracket until it is positioned at the bottom of the slotted hole (see Figure 5).
C. Tighten and retorque the nut. Torque: 5.6 N*m (57 kgf*cm, 50 in*lbf)
D. Repeat on the opposite side.

7. Cycle the suspension twice by repeating step 2 once.

8. Measure the bump stop to axle housing. Is the gap measurement between 35 – 45 mm and equal side to side?
YES — Continue to step 9.
NO — Continue to adjust the height control sensors until an axle housing to bump stop gap of 35 – 45 mm is achieved. Then continue to step 9.

9. Using Techstream Air Suspension Live, confirm that the RR Height Control Sensor and the RL Height Control Sensor measurements are within 10 mm of each other.


Is the difference 10 mm or less?
YES — Continue to step 10.
NO — Continue to adjust the height control sensors until the side-to-side difference is 10 mm or less AND a rear axle housing to bump stop gap of 35 – 45 mm is achieved, then continue to step 10.

10. Adjust the headlight aim

11. Test-drive the vehicle to confirm the rough-ride condition is no longer present.