Please see T-SB-0011-22
2022 Toyota Tundra
Some 2022 model year Tundra vehicles may exhibit a MIL ON condition with the Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P059A71 (Active Grille Air Shutter “A” Actuator Stuck) present. The Engine Control Module (ECM) (SAE term: Powertrain Control Module/PCM) logic has been modified to reduce the possibility of this condition. Follow the Repair Procedure in this bulletin to address this condition.
Repair Procedure:
1. Confirm the condition exists. Is DTC P059A71 present?
YES — Continue to step 2.
NO — This bulletin does NOT apply. Continue diagnosis using the applicable Repair Manual.
2. Use Techstream to confirm if the ECM (PCM) calibration has been updated and check for the Authorized Modifications Label affixed to the vehicle in the location shown below. Is the calibration ID listed in Techstream and on the label the latest ECM (PCM) calibration?
YES — This bulletin does NOT apply. Continue diagnosis using the applicable Repair Manual.
NO — Continue to step 3.
3. Flash reprogram the ECM (PCM)
4. Prepare and install the Authorized Modifications Label.
A. Using a permanent marker, enter the following information on the label:
* ECM (PCM) part number
* Calibration ID(s)
* Dealer Code
* Repair Date
* Change Authority
B. Install the Authorized Modifications Label onto the vehicle at the location shown in Figure 1. The Authorized Modifications Label is available through the MDC, P/N 00451-00001-LBL.
5. Test-drive the vehicle to confirm proper operation.
2022 Toyota Tundra
Some 2022 model year Tundra vehicles may exhibit a MIL ON condition with the Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P059A71 (Active Grille Air Shutter “A” Actuator Stuck) present. The Engine Control Module (ECM) (SAE term: Powertrain Control Module/PCM) logic has been modified to reduce the possibility of this condition. Follow the Repair Procedure in this bulletin to address this condition.
Repair Procedure:
1. Confirm the condition exists. Is DTC P059A71 present?
YES — Continue to step 2.
NO — This bulletin does NOT apply. Continue diagnosis using the applicable Repair Manual.
2. Use Techstream to confirm if the ECM (PCM) calibration has been updated and check for the Authorized Modifications Label affixed to the vehicle in the location shown below. Is the calibration ID listed in Techstream and on the label the latest ECM (PCM) calibration?
YES — This bulletin does NOT apply. Continue diagnosis using the applicable Repair Manual.
NO — Continue to step 3.
3. Flash reprogram the ECM (PCM)
4. Prepare and install the Authorized Modifications Label.
A. Using a permanent marker, enter the following information on the label:
* ECM (PCM) part number
* Calibration ID(s)
* Dealer Code
* Repair Date
* Change Authority
B. Install the Authorized Modifications Label onto the vehicle at the location shown in Figure 1. The Authorized Modifications Label is available through the MDC, P/N 00451-00001-LBL.
5. Test-drive the vehicle to confirm proper operation.