Forum Rules and Guidelines

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Staff member
The following Rules and Regulations are ban-able offenses warranting Account Suspension. Please read them; violation of these rules will be taken very seriously.

1. Derogatory, inflammatory, blatantly false or misleading messages intended to cause a forum disruption and to provoke other members (i.e. Trolling) will not be tolerated. Threads or posts will be removed without notice. The first offense will result in a "Troll" warning, second offense will result in account suspension.

2. Creating a 2nd account is grounds for a permanent account ban, of all registered accounts, either while actively registered under another account, or after having a previous account suspended or banned. Further disruption of forum activity by creation of duplicate accounts may result in legal action against the offender.

3. Threads or posts that link members to other sites for the purpose of phishing will be removed without notice. Accounts associated with these posts will be suspended.

4. Threads or posts that contain unapproved advertisements or advertisement "spamming" will be removed without notice. Accounts associated with these posts will be suspended.

5. Threads, posts or signature links to other competitive related forums will be removed without notice.

Violation of the General Forum Rules will result in immediate thread and/or post removal. The violators will be cited an infraction for violating the general forum rule. Multiple offenses will result in temporary or permanent account suspension. All forum rules are subject to the interpretation of the Admin of ToyoHeadquarters.

1. No use of obscenities, vulgarity or foul language.

2. NO NUDITY or pornography. This also includes hyperlinks. Disclaiming a picture is NSFW does not make posting it acceptable.

3. No threads or posts with distasteful sexually oriented discussions.

4. No threads or posts that are hateful or threatening toward any member, group, race, religion or nationality.

5. No bashing of other message boards or forums.

6. No personal attacks in any form will be tolerated.

7. No threads or posts that directly insult any other ToyoHeadquarters member will be tolerated. Insulting a forum moderator or administrator is completely unacceptable in any form; violators of this rule will be cited an infraction at the discretion of the ToyoHeadquarters Forum Support Staff. Multiple offenses will result in account suspension.

8. No threads or posts that entice or bait members to bash or flame others will be tolerated.

9. Any thread topics or subjects or reply topics or subjects referring to street racing will be edited or removed without notice. Street racing is illegal, dangerous and unacceptable as a topic of discussion on Furthermore, the owners of ToyoHeadquarters hold no responsibility for any damages occurring from such acts discussed on

10. Double postings or spamming the forum(s) is not acceptable.

11. No threads or posts containing discussions regarding legal action against any company or discussions of "lemon laws" may be posted.

12. No threads or posts containing software, or products obtained from illegal means, or that you don’t legally have a right to re-distribute may be posted.
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