This is taken from TSB T-SB-0098-19

Repair Procedure:

1. Using Techstream, check for stored DTCs. Are DTCs P2646, P265B, P10A0, or P1055 present?
YES — Continue to step 2.
NO — This bulletin does NOT apply. Continue diagnosis using the applicable Repair Manual.

2. Clear ALL DTCs, start the engine in Park or Neutral, and increase the engine’s RPM to 3500 for 5 seconds. Did the DTCs return?
YES — Continue to step 3.
NO — Go to step 7

3. With the vehicle in IG ON/Engine OFF, clear the DTCs that reset, then perform the Learn Value Reset Utility: Engine and ECT – Utility – Learn Value Reset.

4. Reset the connection cycle to ensure active test function.
A. Turn the ignition to IG OFF. If the vehicle is equipped with a standard key, remove it from the ignition.
B. Disconnect Techstream from DLC and exit Techstream software.
C. Open Techstream software, then connect Techstream to DLC.
D. Turn the ignition to IG ON. Do NOT start the vehicle.
E. On Techstream, select Connect to Vehicle, then select Engine and ECT, then choose Data List.

5. Perform the Engine Off VALVEMATIC Active Test.
A. Set up custom data list to show VALVEMATIC Target Angle and VALVEMATIC Current Angle.
B. Select Active Test Activate the VALVEMATIC (ENG OFF) and ensure parameters are met.
C. Perform active test LOW first (right arrow). Check for change to VALVEMATIC Current Angle (it should go to approximately 105 – 106 degrees).
D. Perform active test HIGH (it should climb above 108 degrees).
E. It may take more than one LOW and HIGH cycle attempt to get the numbers to increase or decrease.

6. After verifying VALVEMATIC Current Angle value changes, close Techstream software, start engine, and increase RPM to 3500 for 5 seconds. Did the DTCs return?
YES — Repeat steps 3 – 5.
NO — Continue to step 7.

NOTE: If the DTCs return after steps 3 – 5 have been repeated, go to step 8.

7. Start the engine and warm it up to normal operating temperature and test drive to confirm proper vehicle operation. Did the DTCs return?
YES — Continue to step 8.
NO — This Service Bulletin is complete. If ANY additional DTCs remain continue diagnosis using the applicable Repair Manual.

8. Replace the continuously variable valve lift controller assembly.



I have a metal rectangle that prevents the valvematic from rotating. How do I get past this?