Toyota Dash Problem Melting Cracking Warranty Extension LSC ZE6



I had just began having the sticky dash issue this summer of 2017, I researched online to find that there was a recall for this issue. I finally took my Camry in to the local dealer only to be told the replacement program had expired June of 2017 for my vehicle. What, how can a faulty materials issue expire? A dashboard is not a wear item and should not ever melt like this. I called Toyota corporate to no avail. I was told there was nothing they can, will do for me. They asked about a notice they had sent out in 2014 but I had not received a notice. But even If I had received the notice, I did not have or notice an issue with the dash until this summer I believe July or August. I hope this injustice is pursued and Toyota is forced to fix ALL of the bad dashboards regardless of age.


Staff member
I had just began having the sticky dash issue this summer of 2017, I researched online to find that there was a recall for this issue. I finally took my Camry in to the local dealer only to be told the replacement program had expired June of 2017 for my vehicle. What, how can a faulty materials issue expire? A dashboard is not a wear item and should not ever melt like this. I called Toyota corporate to no avail. I was told there was nothing they can, will do for me. They asked about a notice they had sent out in 2014 but I had not received a notice. But even If I had received the notice, I did not have or notice an issue with the dash until this summer I believe July or August. I hope this injustice is pursued and Toyota is forced to fix ALL of the bad dashboards regardless of age.
This is not a recall but rather a warranty extension. Calling Toyota will not help and they will not do anything at this point. If you missed out, its just too bad.


The parts are available now and Dealers have been receiving shipments for ones that where ordered. Have you talked to your Dealer about this? o_O

I have spoken to the dealer multiple times about my 2005 4-Runner dash replacement and they keep telling me that they are waiting for Toyota to send the dash. I last spoke to them about 6 weeks ago. I was told that I am still on the list but that the 4-runner dashes are still coming in very slowly. I have been on the list for 2 years.

Is there any where besides the dealer that I can get help getting this work completed and getting the part delivered?


Staff member
Do you have it in writing, like a repair order, that your dash is on order? If not, you will never get one. If you do, have your Dealer check national inventory and see if another Toyota Dealer has one that they will give to you. Dealers don’t want to get stuck with dash pads that they can’t get rid of.

2008 Solara

I’m willing to pay the cost of installation of a new dash for my 2008 Solara SLE. The Coverlay dash cover is not doing the job


I have the same problem. I plan to write Mr. Toyoda. I also put a message on Facebook for him. If you get a chance, check it out and Like it. Also, get your friends to like it. Maybe he will respond to us. Rosalind

Tom Robey

I have 2006 Toyota Solara convertible that I have owned for over 10 years and had no issues with dash until fall of 2017 when cracks and stickiness occurred. Car has always been garaged and in great shape with 63,000 miles. Now warranty doesn't cover my dash. Very disappointing for a car that I have enjoyed and valued. Any chance Toyota is going to extend warranty for my car.

2011 Camry .]

I want to thank everyone here for posting their experience.
TLDR at the bottom.

I have a 2011 Camry, with 123k miles on it. I was able to get a work order from the local Toyota dealership in FL to replace my sticky dashboard for free. Here is what I did:

I called 888-270-9371 - [Toyota Recall - Corporate], told them I had a sticky dashboard and wanted to see if my car qualified for the customer support program. She asked for my VIN and mileage. After a few minutes she said there was a new program ZJA that just rolled out [May 23 2018] that my 2011 Camry qualifies for, she gave me a reference # and I drove to the dealership.

My local dealership in FL told me no appointment was necessary for a support program check to see if I qualified. The service tech took down my VIN , looked at my dash and told me I qualified under ZE6 under the secondary coverage. Then I brought up to the service tech that Toyota Corporate told me that there is also a ZJA that I qualify for under primary. Under ZJA primary expires in Sept 2019, secondary expires Aug 2020. The service tech looked up notes on my VIN and confirmed there is a ZJA and wondered what differs from ZE6 and ZJA. He said it didn't matter for me because I qualify either way. He wrote up a work order and had me sign it. Told me it might be a while till the part comes in even months but when it does it will be free. I asked him nicely for a copy of my work order, he happily printed it out for me. I left, as I was leaving the service tech informed the other service tech that there was a new customer support program ZJA. I believe I heard the service tech say ZJA is just for Camry's but at that point I was driving away.

Call 888-270-9371 - Toyota Recall - Corporate, tell them your issues, provide VIN & mileage, see if you qualify for any support program. If you qualify go to a authorized dealership and get a copy of your work order.


We have had our 2007 Toyota Sienna in storage while we have be serving overseas for the past 6.5 years. We received our vehicle on Monday and noticed that the dash is completely cracked. According to the site and warranty extensions it expired as of January 30, 2018. IS there any exceptions made for our military in these circumstances?


We have had our 2007 Toyota Sienna in storage while we have be serving overseas for the past 6.5 years. We received our vehicle on Monday and noticed that the dash is completely cracked. According to the site and warranty extensions it expired as of January 30, 2018. IS there any exceptions made for our military in these circumstances?
You will have to contact Toyota directly for this and please be prepared to provide documentation of your deployment for the best outcome. I don't see why they wouldn't help you.

Katherine Allen

New Member
I'm hoping the negative information posted here has been resolved for everyone with this same issue and I'm not wasting my time posting my plea. I have tried to send an email several times through the "Contact Us" option on your website but it will not allow me to submit no matter the initial reason selected.

The dash on my daughter's car is gooey-sticky and it literally looks like it's melting. We have been dealing with this getting progressively worse over the past couple of years so I took it to a certified body shop to see what could be done and they informed me of an issue with melting dashes in some models of Toyota and Lexus vehicles. The car is a 2009 Toyota Camry XLE, they looked up the recall information and told me her car qualifies for the recall LSC ZE6.
We never received a recall notification letter but I found the information on this website so today we called Toyota, 800-331-4331 and the woman told us the warranty for my daughter's car expired in July. What???
Based on the information posted here my daughter's car does qualify under Part 2 of this recall.
My daughter loves her Toyota Camry and I would like to get it fixed for her before she leaves again in September. We live 75 miles from the closest Toyota dealer and before I take this car in for assessment I would like to have any necessary paperwork required.


So I just learned that this extended warranty on the melting dashboard "expired" in May. I was never notified. Shouldn't Toyota still fix the dash issue since it's their error?? Because now the dealership is telling me I have to pay $1600. That is ridiculous as its THEIR issue. I am super upset about this.


We never received a letter and I was not aware of a recall till recently after coming across some info and then researching it. Our 2008 Toyota Sienna's dash started to crack and peel a few years ago, it's not strong either as our dog was standing on it, her nails were not long either and it left huge marks and indentions like it was soft or melty. I was stunned!!! Shes stood up there so many times and there was never an issue. What do we do now as apparently this was 3 yrs ago as far as a recall is concerned and it has become awful?


So I just learned that this extended warranty on the melting dashboard "expired" in May. I was never notified. Shouldn't Toyota still fix the dash issue since it's their error?? Because now the dealership is telling me I have to pay $1600. That is ridiculous as its THEIR issue. I am super upset about this.

I just now found out about it :$ and ours is horrible!!

Jan Neubauer

I bought my 2008 Toyota Solara 3 years ago and did not notice it has a recall issue in that the dashboard cracks. I owed the car (bought it used) 3 years ago and this issue was not disclosed to me. The other day I went to use the car and there are deep cracks in the dashboard.

My question is, on a resale car is this recall still in effect and will my local Toyota dealer cover this replacement,. if it is still in effect.


June 20, 2019

We purchased a 2007 Avalon and have had these cracks in our dashboard for years...we NEVER got a letter, and didn't pursue getting them fixed because we were told how expensive it would be! We have recently tried getting them repaired...our Avalon is our only car, and it has 104,000 miles on it. We always keep it in the garage, try to maintain it properly. Had we left it out in the heat we likely would have had such severe damage it would have been repaired by Toyota! We were sick about the cracks! but couldn't afford to have them fixed!! We just learned about this recall...we checked with the dealership and with TOYOTA, INC in Plano Tx this morning. Tough. They won't do anything about it. We have purchase 3 Toyotas over the years from Capital Toyota in Chattanooga, TN...have always loved our Toyotas and NEVER expected anything like this. I have no idea what to do NOW, except that we'll never purchase another Toyota.

Jack McCutchen

I bought my grand daughter a used 2009 Camry and the dash is cracking apart and very sticky. Is this car available for the warranty consideration?


We never received a letter and I was not aware of a recall till recently after coming across some info and then researching it. Our 2008 Toyota Sienna's dash started to crack and peel a few years ago, it's not strong either as our dog was standing on it, her nails were not long either and it left huge marks and indentions like it was soft or melty. I was stunned!!! Shes stood up there so many times and there was never an issue. What do we do now as apparently this was 3 yrs ago as far as a recall is concerned and it has become awful?