Toyota is now providing Entune Updates via Download for Free. See the 2 Red colored links below to Update your system..
The software portal was designed to provide Toyota customers with the latest Entune App Suite software version for their vehicle’s Multimedia system. Provide your vehicle information above and see if there is an available update for your vehicle. If available, using a USB drive, customers will be able to download the update and then install in their vehicle.
1. How To Download The Software Update From Your Computer
2. FREE Toyota Multimedia and Audio System Updates for Entune from Toyota
If you experience your Toyota Audio unit freezing, rebooting or the controls (knobs and touch screen) becoming unresponsive to your inputs, you will want to check with your Toyota Dealer and see if you have the latest Firmware installed in your Entune System. Here is a quick video showing an issue like this...
Toyota has let vehicle Owners in the past update their Audio Unit with the latest firmware via a USB Drive. Here is one such Owner who took the time to share his experience...
You can sign up for and manage your Enutne Account here...
The update needed will vary based on the Audio Installed in your Toyota vehicle. Here is a list of the most up to date firmware versions...