
Same as above for a 2017 Tacoma. Paint color is ultra white and it's coming off at the bottom and rear of all four doors, left & right quarter panels, inside and edges of hood and roof line. One Dealer sent pictures to Corporate, but after 3 months of not hearing a word I called myself and said other Toyota and Lexus models in Canada and United States with ultra white are covered, but not tbe Tacoma. They also told me I could have it painted myself and keep the receipt. Not fot $7k!
I have been a Toyota owner for 35 years and was hoping Toyota would do the right thing and correct their paint issue no matter what model.

Tracy P.

My 2017 Tacoma has super white paint that is peeling off on the rear driver's side door. I'm beyond angry and disheartened that Toyota is not addressing this issue on Tacoma's when they've clearly identified that super white paint is an issue. I've called Toyota's Customer Care Line more times than I've been able to keep track of and will keep calling until they recognize and remediate this issue. If Toyota decides not to own this defect, this will be the last Toyota that I own. I'm a decision maker at a large company who has considered switching our fleet vehicles to Toyota and until this issue is resolved, I will ensure that this does not happen. Toyota, I strongly encourage you to take ownership and do what's right for your customers.

Mike Haloskey

I have a 2016 white tacoma. The paint is chipping off around both driver side doors. I contacted my dealership who took pictures and assured me that Toyota would repair this problem. Within days I received another call telling me they would not cover it.. it gets crazy… I complained and the dealership had me come back to re examine my paint job. They said the paint should be 6 mils. thick. Mine was 3 and 4 mils thick.. at that point the service manager did say that Toyota would repair but he wasn’t sure if they would paint the entire truck. I waited several weeks with no word and I contacted the Toyota helpline. The next day I received another (very rude call from the dealership) saying he had not idea if it would be covered. I asked how long.. he rudely said it could be days, weeks or months.. I’ve always been a huge Toyota fan but this is ridiculous. It’s time for a class action lawsuit!
This is all over the internet. I have a 2017 Tacoma in Super white that has paint peeling around the windows on 3 of the 4 doors. Did I also mention I own 5 Toyota's?? What a disappointment !!

Marjorie S.

I'm being funny because I know how far SC is from MN, but if you brought it up to the dealership near me they could have the estimate and claim approved in 24 hours with Toyota now. I was the guinea pig who spent 6 months working on this. The body shop is two blocks away also.
Matt what dealership did you use in SC. I have a Camry with peeling paint and have been given the run around by Toyota for past 2 1/2 years. Still no resolution..They now tell me I have to drive over 300 miles round trip to a dealership to have it looked at and photographed. I think they try to wear you down in the hope you give up and have it painted at your own cost. I'm almost at that point.... I bought it brand new and that dealership has done very little to help me.

Paul Sulse

I took my 2012 Seqouia blizzard pearl platinum into the dealership in spring of 2018 for 2 areas on the vehicle that had the paint peeling off. They had an Toyota inspector come look at it and denied repair to the vehicle. I even had the extended platinum warranty and they still denied coverage. I wrote everyone with complaints even the president of Toyota. They would not repair my suv. I was so angry I vowed to never buy another Toyota as long as I lived. I took the car to a body shop repair and paid $1400 for them to fix the vehicle. So is Toyota going to reimburse me now Or should I just hire a good lawyer?
I too will never purchase a Toyota ever again. I purchased a NEW 2018 Pickup DoubleCab, the Paint is peeling around the Front and Rear door Windows... They lost a once loyal customer.


I have a 2008 Rav4 in Blizzard white. I received the 1st letter about the recall and it said I would be contacted again. I never heard anything again. I took my car to the dealer a couple times for service and they never said anything about the paint. I did not notice any peeling paint until Feb 11, 2023. The paint was peeling in sheets off the roof and hood of my car. (I thought it was sheets of paper under the car top carrier until I looked closer) I immediately contacted the dealer and they said the extended warranty ended December 2022 and that I would need to contact corporate as that is where the payment would be coming from anyway. I contacted them that Saturday as well and was told the extended warranty ended and there was nothing they could do. This is absolutely unacceptable as it is a known manufacturing defect that did not happen in their timeline as I live in the north and we do not have as intense sun as they do in the south to make it peel earlier. I believe this is something that should be covered and taken care of. Beyond disappointed! I am defiantly going to reconsider a Toyota purchase in the future if this is not rectified.

Arlene Leader

To: All Toyota Dealer Principals, General Managers, Service Managers, and Parts Managers

Multiple Models and Model Years Vehicles Painted with Blizzard Pearl (070) or Super White (040) Paint Color Coverage for Peeling of Factory-Applied Paint

View attachment 258

April 28, 2022
Toyota has added approximately 430,700
2008 – 2018 model year Highlander and Highlander Hybrid vehicles to this Customer Support Program

October 27, 2020
Toyota has added approximately 35,200 certain 2010 – 2018 model year Sequoia vehicles to this Customer Support Program

May 15, 2020
Toyota has added approximately 31,500 vehicles to the covered vehicles population
The training requirements section has been updated to include Toyota Certified Collision Centers
A policy regarding the labor rate for body and paint work has been added

December 12, 2019
This document has been updated to clarify that only authorized Toyota dealerships are authorized to confirm if the paint peeling condition is covered by this program. However, after confirming that the paint peeling condition is covered by this program, the authorized Toyota dealership may choose to coordinate to have the repainting repair performed by a non-Toyota repair facility (e.g. third-party collision repair facility, body shop, etc)

Note that as of May 15, 2020, Toyota Certified Collision Centers are now permitted to confirm if the peeling condition is covered by this program. Review the Dealer Letter for detailed information, polices, and training requirements

In our continuing efforts to ensure the best in customer satisfaction, Toyota is announcing a Customer Support Program to provide coverage for peeling of certain colors of factory-applied paint.

Toyota has received reports of paint peeling on certain vehicles with the original factory-applied Blizzard Pearl or Super White paint colors. These reports indicate that vehicles with these specific paint colors, applied during the vehicle manufacturing process, may experience paint peeling on exterior metal body panels.

Although the original factory paint is covered by Toyota’s New Vehicle Limited Warranty for 3 years or 36,000 miles (whichever comes first), we at Toyota care about the customers’ ownership experience. Toyota is providing coverage for repairs related to the condition described above.

The following information is provided to inform you and your staff of the program notification schedule and your degree of involvement.

Customer Support Program Coverage Details:
This Customer Support Program provides coverage for involved vehicles with the original factory Blizzard Pearl or Super White paint. The covered condition may occur when sunlight over time degrades the adhesion between the factory-applied paint primer coat layer and the base metal electrodeposition layer causing the paint to peel from the metal body panel. If the condition is verified, the specific panel affected will be repainted.
See here for phase 1-5 coverages list on pages 3 and 4 or see below

View attachment 259

Program Phase Schedule Toyota is administering this program in multiple phases.

View attachment 261
View attachment 262

View attachment 263

Damage to the vehicle exterior (such as collision damage, deep scratches, dents, etc..) may prevent a repair facility from performing the paint repair covered by this Customer Support Program.

This Customer Support Program does not cover repair of such damage. If any damage must be repaired prior to performing the paint repair covered by this Customer Support Program, the dealer may offer to repair the damage at the customer’s expense.

Examples of damage that might prevent paint repair are:
• Collision damage
• Dents
• Deep scratches
• Deep rock chips

Covered Vehicles:
After Phase 5 launched, there were approximately 2,236,400 vehicles covered by this Customer Support Program, of which approximately 36,300 were distributed to Puerto Rico.

Owner Letter Mailing Date:
Phase 1 Late August 2019 – mid-September 2019
Phase 2 Mailing started in late December 2019
Phase 3 Early August 2020
Phase 4 Early November – Mid December 2020

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the condition?

Toyota has received reports of paint peeling on certain vehicles with the original factory-applied Blizzard Pearl or Super White paint colors. These reports indicate that vehicles with these specific paint colors, applied during the vehicle manufacturing process, may experience paint peeling on exterior metal body panels.

What specific paint colors are affected by this condition?
The vehicles involved in this program were factory-painted with Blizzard Pearl (Toyota paint code 070) or Super White (Toyota paint code 040) paint color.

What is Toyota going to do?
In early August 2019, Toyota announced the “Customer Notification Phase” of this program. Toyota is now launching the repair portion of this program

How will owners be re-notified that the repair is available for their vehicle?
Toyota is administering this program in multiple phases.

Phase 1 – Customer Notification In the interest of customer satisfaction, Toyota first notified owners via first class mail between late August 2019 and mid-September 2019 about this program, provided a process for reimbursing out of pocket expenses associated with this condition incurred prior to September 26, 2019, informed owners that Toyota is working on the repair for their vehicle, and that they will be re-notified when the repair becomes available.

Phase 2 – Repair Available and Customer Re-notification In early December 2019 Toyota launched the repair portion of this program. Toyota started re-notifying owners involved in phase 1 regarding the availability of the repair in late December 2019.

Phase 3 – Approximately 31,500 vehicles added to this Customer Support Program In mid-May 2020, Toyota added approximately 31,500 vehicles to this Customer Support Program and the repair is available for these vehicles. Refer to the table below for a summary of the added vehicles.

2008 Avalon Late February 2007 – Late December 2007 5,000 vehicles
2008 - 2009 Camry Early August 2007 – Late December 2007 18,600 vehicles
2008 Camry Hybrid Early August 2007 – Late December 2007 2,800 vehicles
2008 Corolla Early June 2007 – mid-December 2007 5,100 vehicles

Phase 4 – Approximately 35,200 model year 2010 – 2018 Sequoia vehicles added to this Customer Support Program In late October 2020, Toyota added approximately 35,200 model year 2010 – 2018 Sequoia vehicles to this Customer Support Program and the repair is available for these vehicles. Refer to the table below for a summary of the added vehicles

Phase 5 – Approximately 430,700 2008 – 2018 model year Highlander and Highlander Hybrid vehicles added to this Customer Support Program In late April 2022, Toyota added approximately 430,700 2008 – 2018 model year Highlander and Highlander Hybrid vehicles to this Customer Support Program and the repair is available for these vehicles. Refer to the table below for a summary of the added vehicles.

Which and how many vehicles are covered by this Customer Support Program?
There are approximately 2,236,400 vehicles covered by this Customer Support Program.

What are the coverage details of this program?
This Customer Support Program provides coverage for involved vehicles with the original factory Blizzard Pearl or Super White paint. The covered condition may occur when sunlight over time degrades the adhesion between the factory-applied paint primer coat layer and the base metal electrodeposition layer causing the paint to peel from the metal body panel. If the condition is verified, the specific panel affected will be repainted.

View attachment 264

Note: Damage to the vehicle exterior (such as collision damage, deep scratches, dents, etc..) may prevent a repair facility from performing the paint repair covered by this Customer Support Program.

This Customer Support Program does not cover repair of such damage.

Examples of damage that might prevent paint repair are:
• Collision damage
• Dents
• Deep scratches
• Deep rock chips

What if my vehicle’s paint is peeling from this condition, but my vehicle has damage that requires repair prior to repairing the peeling condition?
This Customer Support Program only provides the coverage described above. This program does not cover the repair of damage (e.g. collision damage, dents, etc..) which may be required to complete the Customer Support Program repair. Some dealers may be willing to repair damage needed to complete this Customer Support Program. If your dealer is willing to do so, you will be responsible for any costs associated with the damage repair. If you elect not to repair the damage, the dealer may indicate that they are not able to complete the Customer Support Program repair.

What should I do if the factory-applied Blizzard Pearl or Super White paint is currently peeling from this condition?
If an owner thinks that he/she has experienced the condition described in this Customer Support Program, a local Toyota dealer should be contacted for appropriate diagnosis and repair. If the condition is verified as being in accordance with the terms of the program, the repair will be performed FREE OF CHARGE to the owner.

What if the diagnosis is performed and my vehicle is not covered by the Customer Support Program?
Please be aware that, if the condition is not covered by this Customer Support Program, you may be responsible for the initial diagnostic fees and any other repairs you may decide to have performed. Any authorized Toyota Dealership can determine if a condition is covered by this Customer Support Program.

What if an owner HAS NOT experienced this condition but would like to have the repair completed?
This Customer Support Program only applies to vehicles that have exhibited the condition described above. If an owner has not experienced the condition, he/she is asked to tear off the sheet included in the owner letter and insert it into the Owner’s Warranty Information Booklet for future reference.

Do I need to wait until I receive an owner notification letter before visiting a dealer to receive a repair?
No. you may visit any authorized Toyota dealer for diagnosis if your vehicle is exhibiting the condition and, if applicable, repair.

Can I be reimbursed if I previously paid for repairs related to factory-applied paint peeling from my vehicle due to this condition?
Phase 1 and 2 owners: Owners involved in phases 1 and 2 who have already paid for repairs related to this condition may qualify for reimbursement of some, or all, of their out of pocket costs. The expense must have been incurred prior to September 26, 2019, and sufficient documentation submitted, to qualify for reimbursement. Toyota will not reimburse for out of pocket costs incurred after September 26, 2019. Customer reimbursement instructions will be included in the owner letter.

Phase 3 owners: Owners of the approximately 31,500 vehicles involved in phase 3 who have already paid for repairs related to this condition may qualify for reimbursement of some, or all, of their out of pocket costs. The expense must have been incurred prior to August 8, 2020, and sufficient documentation submitted, to qualify for reimbursement. Toyota will not reimburse for out of pocket costs incurred after August 8, 2020. Customer reimbursement instructions will be included in the owner letter

Phase 4 owners: Owners of the approximately 35,200 vehicles involved in phase 4 who have already paid for repairs related to this condition may qualify for reimbursement of some, or all, of their out of pocket costs. The expense must have been incurred prior to December 28, 2020, and sufficient documentation submitted, to qualify for reimbursement. Toyota will not reimburse for out of pocket costs incurred after December 18, 2020. Customer reimbursement instructions will be included in the owner letter.

Which factory-applied paints are covered by this Customer Support Program?
The factory-applied Blizzard Pearl (Toyota paint code 070) and Super White (Toyota paint code 040) paint on the vehicle’s exterior metal body panels are covered by this program.

Is the paint on plastic body panels covered by this Customer Support Program?
Factory-applied paint on plastic body panels (for example: a plastic bumper cover) is not covered. Only factory-applied Blizzard Pearl (Toyota paint code 070) and Super White (Toyota paint code 040) paint on the vehicle’s exterior metal body panels are covered by this program. Plastic body panels are not covered by this program because plastic body panels do not have a base metal electrodeposition layer and are; therefore, not affected.

How long will the repair take?
Depending upon the location and extent of the peeling condition on your vehicle, the repair time for your vehicle can vary (for example: between approximately 1 day and 2 weeks). Once the peeling condition covered by this program has been verified on your vehicle, your authorized Toyota dealer will advise you about the necessary repair time. If the repair is estimated to exceed 4 hours, a loaner vehicle may be provided for the period that your vehicle is undergoing repair

What if I have additional questions or concerns?
If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact the Toyota Customer Experience Center at 1-888-270-9371 Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, Saturday 7:00 am to 4:30 pm Central Time
My 2017 Rav 4 platnium with only 24000miles Blizzard pearl is peeling on the top passend and drivers sides. No repairs or accidents happened to affect those areas. The Car other wise mechanically and body wise is in dry good condition.
please advise where I can go to remedy this issue. I am the original owner and I purchased it from Sansone to total in New Jersey. Ur live in Staten Island NY
respectfully Arlene Leader.

Jack Franz

We have a White 2014 RAV4. The paint on the started to peel above the windshield. We talked to our local Voss Toyota Dealer in Beavercreek OH in Oct 2022. They said we had to go to Voss Collision Repair (different town 10 miles away). We made an appointment in early December, but they said their 'paint' guy that handled recalls was not in and scheduled us in Jan. Then in early January, they told us the recall had expired in December. We had them check with Toyota corporate (again more delays) and we have not been told there is nothing they can do since the recall expired in December? What can we do now?

Jim Cherkowsky

It’s sad Toyota admits there’s a paint issue but they don’t want to fix the issue!
I have a white 2011 Rav 4 and the paint is horrible!
Every time we have a windy day I Lose a little more paint
I would Never buy another Toyota!!!

Jesse Smith

Willing to join a class action lawsuit for this Blizzard Pearl. 2013 Toyota Highlander roof peeling, windshield sidepost peeling aweful...They have admitted manufacturer defects when the vehicle was driven off the lot...CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT period...loss in value.
Do you have contact info for the lawsuit? Toyota will not reimburse for the paint I had to pay for. Any please email if you have info thesmithshow@gmail.com

Jo McCallister

I got my toyota avalon in April 2022. I took it to the Toyota dealer and had the 15 point inspection, and registered in my name. I never received a letter in the mail at all. The paint started peeling in 2022, but I did not know of any recall. I was touching up the small places by myself. Then I noticed more paint was coming off. So, in April of 2023, I went to an auto shop. The man there told me about a recall on my type of paint at Toyota, and to go there and ask them. So, I went over and they said I missed it, because it was ended for my car in December 2022. At Toyota they gave me the Toyota executive phone number and said to call and ask them. I called and they took a report, and said someone would call me back. They have not called me yet. I tried to call the other day, but I was on hold for so long and had other things to do, I had to go. I do not know what to do. Since this paint is no good, I would just as soon have my car painted another color. This is awful for me. I am on disability, do not have much money, and now all this. I will try to call them again. I got a case number, so I should be able to get ahold of someone. The paint is coming off the back of the window on both sides. Now it has started coming off the top near where the slider window is on top. More keeps coming off. Even after they paint the affected parts, what is going to stop the rest of the paint from coming off in the future? I agree with what someone wrote above, they should just repaint the whole vehicle. I imagine they will lose customers over this, as some have already stated they will not buy another Toyota. Please fix this problem for your dedicated customers. You know it would be greatly appreciated. Jo Ann McCallister of West Virginia
P.S. I do have pictures of these problems on my phone. I can send them if you need them. Thank you for this forum. I needed to vent.

Jo McCallister

I got my toyota avalon in April 2022. I took it to the Toyota dealer and had the 15 point inspection, and registered in my name. I never received a letter in the mail at all. The paint started peeling in 2022, but I did not know of any recall. I was touching up the small places by myself. Then I noticed more paint was coming off. So, in April of 2023, I went to an auto shop. The man there told me about a recall on my type of paint at Toyota, and to go there and ask them. So, I went over and they said I missed it, because it was ended for my car in December 2022. At Toyota they gave me the Toyota executive phone number and said to call and ask them. I called and they took a report, and said someone would call me back. They have not called me yet. I tried to call the other day, but I was on hold for so long and had other things to do, I had to go. I do not know what to do. Since this paint is no good, I would just as soon have my car painted another color. This is awful for me. I am on disability, do not have much money, and now all this. I will try to call them again. I got a case number, so I should be able to get ahold of someone. The paint is coming off the back of the window on both sides. Now it has started coming off the top near where the slider window is on top. More keeps coming off. Even after they paint the affected parts, what is going to stop the rest of the paint from coming off in the future? I agree with what someone wrote above, they should just repaint the whole vehicle. I imagine they will lose customers over this, as some have already stated they will not buy another Toyota. Please fix this problem for your dedicated customers. You know it would be greatly appreciated. Jo Ann McCallister of West Virginia
P.S. I do have pictures of these problems on my phone. I can send them if you need them. Thank you for this forum. I needed to vent.
I made a few mistakes above, I hope you can understand it.


I am not a happy camper. The dealership did repaint my 2015 Highlander this past January. The recall did not cover the plastic pieces (bumpers, side mirrors, door handles, etc.). So, we now have a 2015 with 8 year old paint on the plastic parts and brand new paint on all the other parts of the car. 8 year old paint against new paint does not match in color. So, I paid out of pocket to have all the plastic painted at the same time. Extremely disappointed with Toyota. Our family, friends and anyone else that wishes to listen will never purchase another Toyota as long as I have breath to share this experience with Toyota. 2.3 million customers affected by this recall and I'm sure Toyota will be losing a lot of business because of this decision to NOT make the customer whole because of their problem.

Robert Lively

They started this program too late for me, have a 2004 Highlander that has peeling pain.


I have Toyota raw 4 2012 and same problem I will be going to my court house in nh to see if I can fill a claim with them

dennis Doan

My 2016 Tacoma in super white is peeling, the inside of both fenders under the hood is flaking off. Please create a recall for this issue there have been many people complaining about the paint peeling on all the Tacoma groups on Facebook. You wouldn’t want everyone to think Toyota is not a quality brand like it once was right?

dennis Doan

i need to have my Toyota Tacoma white paint issue to takecare of. When is Toyota send the recall letter?


I have a 2017 tacoma super white paint and the paint is coming off the rear doors both sides I got the truck in 2020 and for this to be happening is not cool I been a toyota consumer for many years but now with this I don't know I took it to the dealer they told me well there has been many people with this problem and there was nothing they can do to call costumer service I did and they told me there's no coverage or recall for my truck only a few models were covered and that I would be a out of pocket expense she repeated that like 5 times this is so frustrating is not like if we are not paying so much money for the cars does anyone know who can help thanks.

Julie V

Why is the Tacoma not included? I have the same issues on my 2016 Tacoma. I have always been a huge Toyota fan, no more.. they need to step up and do the right thing!
I have a white Toyota Tacoma peeling on the door by the windows also. Sure hope dealer take care of it so I don’t have to get legal advise.